compiled by Felix Just, S.J., Ph.D.
Resources for Preaching and Homiletics
Resources on the Web:
Homiletic Directory, 2015 ( )
including two helpful Appendices on " The Homily and the Catechism of the Catholic Church" and a list of "Post-Conciliar Ecclesial Sources Relevant to Preaching"
Homily Preparation Program ( )
weekly 30-minute video recordings, in both English and Spanish
Lectionary for Mass ( )
overview charts, thematic analyses, resource links, ecclesial documents, preaching resources, and much more
Preach: The Catholic Homilies Podcast ( )
a new weekly podcast from America Media
Biblical Bibliography ( )
Bible Commentaries, Dictionaries, Atlases, Concordances, Introductions, Parallels, etc.
Bishop Barron's Sermons ( )
Catholic Homilies ( )
compiles a large variety of sources
The Just Word ( )
Readings and Commentaries, from FutureChurch
Liturgy Preparation ( )
from Oregon Catholic Press (subscription )
Preachers’ Exchange ( )
by Fr. Jude Siciliano, O.P.
Preaching with the Sciences ( )
homily outlines, from Catholic Theological Union, Chicago
Sermon Illustrations ( )
Sunday Bible Reflections ( )
by Dr. Scott Hahn, St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology
The Sunday Website at Saint Louis University ( )
from the Catholic Studies Centre at SLU; resources for readings, music, intercessions, etc.
The Text This Week ( )
mostly on the Revised Common Lectionary , by Jenee Woodard
Word-Sunday ( )
"A Lectionary Resource for Catholics," by Larry Broding
En Español : y (Latin American Spanish)
Theology of the Word:
Homiletic Directory . Libreria Editrice Vaticana & USCCB, 2015. (124 pages) - also online
Preaching the Mystery of Faith: The Sunday Homily . USCCB, 2012. (54 pages) - also online
Fulfilled in Your Hearing: The Homily in the Sunday Assembly . USCCB, 1982. (48 pages)
Karla J. Bellinger . Connecting Pulpit and Pew: Breaking Open the Conversation about Catholic Preaching . Liturgical Press, 2014. (192 pages)
Peter John Cameron , OP. Why Preach? Encountering Christ in God's Word . Ignatius Press, 2009. (192 pages)
Michael E. Connors , CSC. Preaching for Discipleship: Preparing Homilies for Christian Initiation . Liturgy Training Publications, 2019. - focused on RCIA/OCIA (256 pages)
Fred B. Craddock . Overhearing the Gospel . Second Revised & Expanded Edition. Abingdon, 2002. (160 pages)
Guerric DeBona , OSB. Fulfilled in Our Hearing: History and Method of Christian Preaching . Paulist Press, 2005. (240 pages)
Edward Foley . Preaching as Paying Attention: Theological Reflection in the Pulpit . Liturgy Training Publications, 2021 . (160 pages) - NEW
Daniel J. Harrington , SJ. The Synoptic Gospels Set Free: Preaching without Anti-Judaism . Paulist Press, 2009. (256 pages) - see also Smiga , below
Gregory Heille , OP. The Preaching of Pope Francis: Missionary Discipleship and the Ministry of the Word . Liturgical Press, 2015. (96 pages)
Mary Catherine Hilkert . Naming Grace: Preaching and the Sacramental Imagination . Continuum, 1997. (252 pages)
Timothy Keller . Preaching: Communicating Faith in an Age of Skepticism . Penguin, 2016. (320 pages)
Eugene L. Lowry . The Sermon: Dancing the Edge of Myster y. Nashville: Abingdon, 1997. (128 pages)
Joseph Mele . The Sacred Conversation: The Art of Catholic Preaching and the New Evangelization . Emmaus Road, 2013. (126 pages)
Timothy Radcliffe , O.P. “The Sacramentality of the Word.” Pages 133-148 in Liturgy in a Postmodern World (ed. Keith Pecklers, S.J.; Continuum, 2003).
George M. Smiga . The Gospel of John Set Free: Preaching without Anti-Judaism . Paulist Press, 2008. (208 pages) - see also Harrington , above
Barbara Brown Taylor . When God Is Silent . Cowley, 1998. (144 pages)
Joshua J. Whitfield . The Crisis of Bad Preaching: Redeeming the Heart and Way of the Catholic Preacher . Ave Maria Press, 2019 . (192 pages)
Craft of Preaching:
Karla J. Bellinger and Michael E. Connors , CSC. Remembering Why We Preach: A Retreat to Renew Your Spirit and Skill . Ave Maria Press, 2022 . (144 pages) - NEW
Walter J. Burghardt , S.J. Preaching: The Art and the Craft . Paulist, 1987. (256 pages)
David Buttrick . Homiletic Moves and Structures . Fortress, 1987. (512 pages)
Daniel Cardo . The Art of Preaching: A Theological and Practical Primer . Catholic University of America Press, 2021 . (224 pages) - NEW
Fred B. Craddock . Preaching: 25th Anniversary Edition . Abingdon, 2010 (orig. 1985). (224 pages)
Stephen Vincent DeLeers . Written Text Becomes Living Word: The Vision and Practice of Sunday Preaching . Liturgical Press, 2004. (216 pages)
O. C. Edwards , Jr. Elements of Homiletic: A Method for Preparing to Preach . Liturgical Press, 1990. (150 pages)
Edward Foley . Preaching Basics: A Model and a Method . Liturgy Training Publications, 1998. (64 pages)
Ann M. Garrido . Preaching with Children . LTP, 2022. (96 pages)
Richard Carl Hoefler . Creative Preaching and Oral Writing . CSS Publishing, 1978. (186 pages)
Alfred McBride , O.Praem. How to Make Homilies Better, Briefer, and Bolder: Tips from a Master Homilist . Our Sunday Visitor, 2007. (160 pages)
Darius Salter . Preaching as Art: Biblical Storytelling for a Media Generation . Beacon Hill, 2008. (192 pages)
Eduardo A. Samaniego , SJ. If You Preach It, They Will Come . Resource Publications, 2006. (112 pages)
Thomas J. Scirghi , SJ. Longing to See Your Face: Preaching in a Secular Age . Liturgical Press, 2017. (130 pages)
Kenneth Untener . Preaching Better: Practical Suggestions for Homilists . Paulist Press, 1999. (130 pages)
James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R. Preaching to the Hungers of the Heart: The Homily on the Feasts and within the Rites . Liturgical Press, 2002. (208 pages)
Robert P. Waznak , S.S. An Introduction to the Homily . Liturgical Press, 1988. (159 pages)
Joseph M. Webb . Preaching Without Notes . Abingdon Press, 2001. (136 pages)
Collected Essays about Preaching:
Michael E. Connors , CSC, ed. To All the World: Preaching and the New Evangelization . Liturgical Press, 2016. (178 pages)
Michael E. Connors , CSC, ed. Effective Preaching: Bringing People into an Encounter with God . LTP, 2019. (224 pages)
Michael E. Connors , CSC, ed. Preaching as Spiritual Leadership: Guiding the Faithful as Mystic and Mystagogue . LTP, 2021 (272 pages)
Michael E. Connors , CSC, ed. Preaching in the Light of the World: Enlivening the Scriptural Imagination . LTP, 2024. (224 pages)
Kenneth G. Davis and Jorge L. Presmanes , eds. Preaching and Culture in Latino Congregations . LTP, 2007. (145 pages)
Edward Foley , ed. A Handbook for Catholic Preaching . Liturgical Press, 2016. (344 pages)
David G. Hunter , ed. Preaching in the Patristic Age: Studies in Honor of Walter J. Burghardt, SJ . Paulist, 1989. (217 pages)
Michael Monshau , ed. Preaching at the Double Feast: Homiletics for Eucharistic Worship . Liturgical Press, 2006. (240 pages)
Collections of Homilies or Sermons:
Pope Francis . Easter Vigil Homilies . Liturgical Press, 2019 . (68 pages)
Walter J. Burghardt , S.J. Let Justice Roll Down Like Waters: Biblical Justice Homilies Throughout the Year . Paulist Press, 1998. (288 pages) - and MANY other books by Fr. Walter Burghardt, SJ
Daniel Cardo . The Art of Preaching: A Theological and Practical Primer . Catholic University of America Press, 2021 . (224 pages; second half includes 14 homilies from patristic, medieval, and modern preachers)
Gabe Huck . Preaching about the Mass . Liturgy Training Publications, 1992. (104 pages)
Richard Leonard , SJ. Preaching to the Converted: On Sundays & Feast Days throughout the Year . Paulist Press, 2006. (416 pages)
Andre Papineau , SDS. Homilies to Transform Hearts and Minds . LTP, 2010. (112 pages)
Michael Warner , ed. American Sermons: The Pilgrims to Martin Luther King, Jr. The Library of America, 1999. (939 pages)
Robert P. Waznak , S.S. Like Fresh Bread: Sunday Homilies in the Parish . Paulist Press, 1993. (269 pages)
See for many other collections of homilies for Sundays and Weekdays, based on the liturgical year.
Preaching at Baptisms, Weddings, and/or Funerals:
Guerric DeBona , OSB, David Scotchie , and Francis L. Agnoli . Rites of Passage: Preaching Baptisms, Weddings, and Funerals . Liturgical Press, 2018. (284 pages)
John Shea . The Spiritual Wisdom of the Gospels for Christian Preachers and Teachers . 4 vols. Liturgical Press, 2004–2010.
William J. Bausch . Funeral Homilies . Twenty-Third Publications, 2009. (208 pages)
Joseph Pollard . Homilies for Weddings and Funerals . Columba, 2004. (123 pages)
R. C. Sonefeld . Preaching the Funeral Homily: Proclaiming the Gospel of Heavenly Hope . Liturgy Training Publications, 2000. (143 pages)
Paul Turner . Preparing the Wedding Homily: A Guide for Preachers and Couples . Liturgy Training Publications, 2015. (88 pages)
Richard Viladesau . The Word in and Out of Season: Homilies for the Major Feasts, Christmas, Easter, Weddings and Funerals . Paulist Press, 2001.
Sourcebook Series, from Liturgy Training Publications:
Collections of Stories, Illustrations, and More:
Preaching Conferences and Workshops:
Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology , Annual Preaching Conferences ( :
Jan. 3-5, 2023 - “AΩ: The Beginning and the End: Constructing Effective Introductions and Conclusions to Homilies”
Jan. 2-4, 2024 - “Ideas to Engage the Assembly: Integrating Illustrations, Images, and Icons”
Notre Dame Preaching Conferences:
June 2023 - "Visions of the Reign of God: Preaching and Catholic Social Teaching"
June 2022 - "Living in the Light of the Word: Enlivening the Scriptural Imagination for Preaching"
Past Years (2012-2019):
2013 USCCB Conference: "Preaching the Mystery of Faith"
Related Webpages:
(adapted from the Homiletic Directory , 2015 - )
The Second Vatican Council
Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium (4 Dec 1963) : 7, 24, 35, 52, 56
Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen gentium (21 Nov 1964) : 25
Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation, Dei Verbum (18 Nov 1965) : 7-13, 21, 25
Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, Gaudium et spes (7 Dec 1965) : 58
Decree on the Missionary Activity of the Church, Ad gentes (7 Dec 1965) : 6
Decree on the Ministry and Life of Priests, Presbyterorum ordinis (7 Dec 1965) : 4, 18
Papal Magisterium
Paul VI
John Paul II
Benedict XVI
Liturgical Books
Code of Canon Law
Documents of Congregations of the Roman Curia
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