by Felix Just, S.J., Ph.D.
GOSPEL acc. to... | MARK | MATTHEW | LUKE | JOHN |
traditionally attributed author? |
"John Mark of Jerusalem" (Acts 12:12; 15:37; Col 4:10; Phlm 1:24; 1Pet 5:13) | tax collector & apostle (Mark 3:18; Matt 9:9; 10:3; Luke 6:15; Acts 1:13) | physician & companion of Paul (Col 4:14; 2Tim 4:11; Phlm 1:24 only) | John, son of Zebedee; one of 12 apostles (Mark 1:19; 3:17; cf. John 21:2) |
implied author? |
bilingual (Aramaic & Greek) Christian of the 2nd generation; "young man" of 14:51-52? | multi-lingual (Aramaic & Greek) early Jewish Christian; trained "scribe" of 13:52? | Gentile Christian convert; well educated Greek "historian"; client of Theophilus (1:1-4)? | the "beloved disciple" and his Jewish Christian followers (19:35; 21:20-24) |
implied audience? |
mostly Gentiles, fairly new in their faith, and facing persecutions | better educated Jews who believe in Jesus, but argue over the Law | wealthier Gentile Christians in an urban setting, becoming complacent | very mixed: mostly Jews, some Gentiles, Samaritans, etc. |
written from and/or to? |
probably Rome; possibly Decapolis, Syria or Alexandria? | possibly Galilee; probably in or near Antioch in Syria | probably Greece; possibly Syria/Antioch (Pauline missions) | originally Galilee or Syria; traditionally Ephesus (Asia Minor) |
WHEN? approximate date? |
first written "Gospel"; very late 60's or early 70's (Jewish War 66-70) | late 70's or 80's (w/ older sources, incl. one written by Matthew?) | mid to late 80's (incl. "many" earlier written sources) | main edition 90's (early edition 50's? epilogue after 100?) |
WHAT? subtype of "Gospel" genre? |
narrated "good news" (1:1) about Jesus, esp. his actions & his death | book of "heritage" of Jesus (1:1) & much of his "teaching" (28:20) | an "orderly account" for attaining "secure knowledge" (1:1-4) | much "testimony" and "signs" for believers (20:30-31; 21:24-25) |
WHY? community circumstances & author's purpose? | to encourage a group undergoing difficult trials and persecutions | to teach a community with internal divisions and external enemies | to challenge believers to put their faith into practice more fully | to strengthen a group ostracized by other Jews for their faith |
# | GOSPEL acc. to... | MARK | MATTHEW | LUKE | JOHN |
1 | Number of chapters (verses and words) |
16 ( 678 / 11304 ) |
28 ( 1071 / 18345 ) |
24 ( 1151 / 19482 ) |
21 ( 879 / 15635 ) |
2 | Style of Greek | grammatically poor Greek | Semitic influenced Greek | good, elegant, literary Greek | simple, but highly symbolic Greek |
3 | Geographical Focus | Galilean towns & villages; some Gentile territory | Galilee, esp. mountains; mostly Jewish areas | one long journey to the goal: Jerusalem | multiple visits back & forth to Jerusalem |
4 | Literary Features | quick action ("and then"; "immediately"); episodes connected loosely, but grouped |
five major discourses; well-organized sections of collected pericopes | any story pairs (with male/female characters); focus on prayer; many extra parables |
"Amen, Amen, I say to you."; irony; paradox; double-meanings |
5 | Literary Introduction | "Beginning of Good News" (1:1) | "Book of Genealogy" (1:1) | "Orderly Account" (1:1-4) | Cosmic Hymn (1:1-18) |
6 | Gospel Beginning | John the Baptist's preaching; Jesus' ministry begins (1:2-15) |
Jesus' heritage: David (royal), Abraham (Jewish), Emmanuel (God with us) (1:2–2:23) |
parallel birth stories: John the Baptist & Jesus (1:5–2:52) | J. B. points to "Lamb of God"; first disciples come (1:19-51) |
7 | First Words of Jesus | [to unspecified crowds]: "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news" (1:15) |
[to John the Baptist, before his baptism]: "Let it be so now; for it is proper for us in this way to fulfill all righteousness" (3:15) |
[12-year-old, to his parents in Jerusalem]: "Why were you searching for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father's house?" (2:49) |
[to two disciples of John the Baptist]: "What are you looking for?" (1:38) and "Come and See" (1:39) |
8 | Birth of Jesus (narrative emphasis) |
Jesus' birth is not narrated; but he's called "Son of Mary" (6:3) and "the Nazarene" (14:67) |
focus on men: David, Joseph, Herod, Magi; power: King of Jews? murder of infants! |
focus on women: Elizabeth, Mary, Anna; angels; shepherds; Holy Spirit |
theology of incarnation: "Word became flesh and dwelt among us" (1:14) |
9 | Inaugural Event | Exorcism in the Synagogue of Capernaum (1:21-28) |
Sermon on the Mount: Fulfillment of Torah/Law (ch. 5–7) |
Jubilee reading from Isaiah 61: Rejection at Nazareth (4:14-30) |
Wedding Feast at Cana: first of Jesus' "signs" (2:1-11) |
10 | Jesus' Major Opponents | 1- Pharisees & Herodians;
2- chief priests, scribes & elders |
"scribes & Pharisees"; "hypocrites & blind guides" |
unjust authorities (civil & religious); rich & corrupt people |
"the Jews" (esp. leaders in Jerusalem); Pharisees; High Priest Caiaphas |
11 | Jesus' [Seven] Last Words on the Cross |
"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (15:34) | [same as in Mark]
(Mt 27:46) |
"Father, forgive them..." (23:34); "You will be with me in Paradise" (23:43); "Father, into your hands I commend my Spirit" (23:46) |
"Woman, behold, your son"; "Behold, your mother" (19:26-27); "I am thirsty" (19:28); "It is finished" (19:30) |
12 | Focus of Passion | horrible suffering; tragic death (ch. 14–15) | authorities' plots & treachery (ch. 26-27) | Jesus' innocence; forgiveness (ch. 22–23) | Jesus' exaltation/glorification (ch. 18–19) |
13 | Last Major Event | Empty Tomb, outside of Jerusalem (16:1-8) | Great Commission, on Mountain in Galilee (28:16-20) | Ascension, from Bethany just East of Jerusalem (24:50-53) | 1: disciples & Thomas (20:19-29) 2: [Peter & Beloved Disciple (21:1-23)] |
14 | Final Literary Ending | women leave tomb in fear & silence (16:8) [16:9-20 added only later] | Jesus tells the disciples, "I am with you always" (28:20) | disciples return to Jerusalem temple with joy praising God (24:53) | 1: many more signs (20:30-31)
2: [many other books, 21:24-25] |
. | GOSPEL acc. to... | MARK | MATTHEW | LUKE | JOHN |
15 | Christology I: Main Titles for Jesus |
Christ/Messiah & Son of God; Suffering Son of Man; Eschatological Judge |
Son of David; Son of Abraham; King of the Jews; New Lawgiver & Great Teacher (like Moses); Emmanuel ("God with us") |
great Prophet (in word & deed); Lord (of Israel, and of all nations); Savior (of all, but esp. of the poor) |
Eternal Logos; Divine Word made Flesh; Only/Unique Son; sent from the Father; Passover Lamb; "I Am"; "Equal to God" |
16 | Christology II: Jesus' Major Actions |
miracles; overcoming evil powers; arguing with religious authorities |
teaching his disciples; decrying religious hypocrisy |
healing sick & impaired people; forgiving sinners & debtors |
speaking God's words;
doing God's works; revealing his intimate relationship with God |
17 | Discipleship I: Teachings about Disc. |
persevere in faith despite suffering; follow Jesus "on the way" to the cross; be ready for his return |
be righteous; forgive always; live ethically (Golden Rule); fulfill God's commands, esp. in charitable deeds |
leave everything to follow Jesus; share with poor; accept everyone, esp. outcasts, women, enemies |
see, believe, know, remain in Jesus & God, despite hostility; love one another; be in unity; serve humbly |
18 | Discipleship II: Role Models for Disc. |
anon. women (5:25; 7:24; 12:41; 14:3); Jairus (5:21); Bartimaeus (10:46) |
Peter (16:13-20); children (18:1-5); faithful servants (24:45–25:46) |
Mary of Nazareth (1:26–2:51); Good Samaritan (10:25-37); Zacchaeus (19:1-10) |
John [the Baptizer] (ch. 1); man born blind (ch. 9); Martha (11:27); the B.D. (13:23ff); Mary Magdalene (20:1-18) |
19 | Pneumatology |
Spirit descends at Jesus' Baptism; conflict with unclean/demonic spirits |
Mary with child from the H.S.; God's Spirit in Jesus' actions & speech |
H.S. esp. active in Infancy Narrative; Jesus receives prophetic anointing |
H.S. as Spirit of Truth; Paraclete/Advocate/Comforter/Counselor |
20 | Emphasis in Miracle Narratives | Jesus' power over Satan | Jesus' power over nature | People's joy, giving glory to God | Coming to believe in Jesus' identity |
21 | Eschatological Expectations | imminent and suddenly, but no one knows when; so "Keep awake!" (13:1-37) |
false prophets will arise; many will fall away; Gospel must first be preached to all (24:10-14) |
after Jerusalem is destroyed & Gentiles' time is fulfilled; not so soon; pray! (21:20-24, 28, 36) | realized eschatology; all who hear & believe have eternal life already now, are not judged (5:21-25) |
22 | Basis for Final Judgment | whether you persevere in faith despite persecutions (13:13) |
what you do for "the least" people; Sheep & Goats parable (25:31-46) |
how you use wealth / possessions; parables of Rich & Poor (16:1-31) |
whether or not you believe in Jesus (3:16-18; 5:19-24; 12:44-50) |
23 | Other Major Themes | Messianic secret; main disciples don't understand, but minor characters do believe |
fulfillment of Scripture; divisions within the community; final separation of good vs. bad |
fulfillment of God's plan; eschatological reversal; tax collectors & sinners favored |
"eternal life" = "life in his name"; Paraclete = Holy Spirit; Christian unity; mutual indwelling of God/Jesus/us |
24 | Evangelists' Symbols (cf. Rev 4:7) | Lion | Human [or Angel] | Ox | Eagle |
25 | Liturgical Feast Day | April 25 | September 21 | October 18 | December 27 |
26 | Use in Catholic Lectionary | Sundays & Weekdays, esp. Lent & Easter |
27 | Typical Portrait | Jesus on the Cross | Sermon on the Mount | Jesus Heals the Sick | Christ the Revealer |
28 | Emphasized by Whom? | Modern Historians (oldest historical account) | Catholics (esp. ecclesial structures) | Protestants (esp. social justice focus) | Orthodox Xns (esp. logos Christology) |
GOSPEL acc. to... | MARK | MATT | LUKE | JOHN |
Approximate Date | very late 60's | late 70's (or 80's) | (late 70's) or 80's | late 80's or 90's |
Introduction: Literary Preface Genealogy Infancy Narrative |
1:1 1:1 ("good news") xxx xxx |
1:1—2:23 xxx 1:1-17 1:18—2:23 |
1:1—2:52 1:1-4 ("orderly account") [3:23-38] 1:5—2:52 |
1:1-18 (prologue) 1:1-18 ("Word of God") xxx [1:14] |
Preparatory Episodes: John Baptist's Preaching Baptism of Jesus Temptation of Jesus |
1:2-13 1:2-8 1:9-11 1:12-13 |
3:1—4:11 3:1-12 3:13-17 4:1-11 |
3:1—4:13 3:1-20 3:21-22 4:1-13 |
1:1-51 1:19-36 [1:31-33] xxx |
Jesus' Early Ministry, mostly to Jews in Galilee: Initial Preaching Call of First Disciples Outside of Galilee |
1:14-15 |
4:12-17 |
4:14-30 |
[Ch. 2A, 4, 6]
xxx |
On the Way to Jerusalem Initial Stages 1st Passion Prediction 2nd Passion Prediction To Jerusalem Itself 3rd Passion Prediction |
8:22—10:52 8:22—9:50 8:31-33 9:30-32 10:1-52 10:32-34 |
16:13—20:34 16:13-18:35 16:21-23 17:22-23 19:1—20:34 20:17-19 |
9:18—19:27 9:18-50 9:22 9:43b-45 9:51—19:27 18:31-34 |
[xxx] [7:1-9] xxx xxx [2:13; 5:1; 7:10] xxx |
Ministry in Jerusalem Teachings & Disputes Eschatological Discourse |
11:1—13:37 11:1—12:44 13:1-37 |
21:1—25:46 21:1—23:39 24:1-36 |
19:28—21:38 19:1—21:4 21:5-36 |
[Ch. 2B, 3, 5, 7-12] most of this xxx |
Passion Week Last Supper Crucifixion |
14:1—15:47 14:17-31 15:22-41 |
26:1—27:66 26:20-35 27:33-56 |
22:1—23:56 22:14 -38 23:33-49 |
13:1—19:42 13:1—17:26 19:17-37 |
Resurrection Narrative Empty Tomb Story Appearance Stories |
16:1-8 16:1-8 xxx [16:9-20 added later] |
28:1-20 28:1-8 28:9-10, 16-20 |
24:1-53 24:1-12 24:13-53 |
20:1-31 [21:1-25
added later] 20:1-13 20:14-31; 21:1-25 |
Click here for a slightly-condensed printable version of these charts (in PDF format).
Information on the Four Gospels:
The Four Gospels: Basic Outlines and Unique Materials (in PDF format)
Saints Index - various materials on thousands of saints, with good info about
and John.
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